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Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Modern Gold Rush: Virtual Assistant Work in the Philippines

There is a strange phenomenon brewing in the Philippine community. Most everyone has that relative: the one who quit his job and turned towards virtual assistant work. Furthermore, a constant buzz runs on the internet about opportunities for earning a hefty salary in the comfort of home. As a result, many Filipinos are encouraged to register in the training programs that have popped up like mushrooms in the past half-decade. Organizations such as KOM Academy and individuals like Jomar Hilario (When in Manila) begin to gain acclaim as excellent gateways to the industry.

Should it be a surprise that Filipinos have been quick to grab this opportunity? After all, in every technological advancement, the Philippines has managed to set the world record.
Indeed, where is the Texting Capital? Selfie Capital? What about Facebook "Capital"?
All of these are in the Philippines.
The world acknowledges that this Southeast Asian nation is, indeed, a world leader-at least-in the use of social media.
Fortunately, the internet has not remained as means for sloth and self-indulgence. No. Filipinos are taking to the internet, not only to amuse themselves, but also to gain financial freedom for themselves and their families. They now have hope that there may be other means to fulfill their financial dreams, without having to leave their beloved families.

Many of them are English Teachers providing instruction to Chinese and Korean students and professionals. Others are content writers for private individuals or companies. Still, others have become graphic designers for international brands. Virtual Assistance is only one vocation in the growing number of online professions.
The Filipino Virtual Assistant handles Personal, Business, and Work-Related Projects. He has also moved forward and conquered the fields of basic graphic design. Not only that, but businesses may also depend on him for content and email marketing to boost their operations. The citizen of Facebook capital can build the online presence of a company, as well as find and capture the target market using Facebook Ads. He even produces videos and designs t-shirts to promote businesses all over the world. And as time goes by, his proficiency only increases to make his services more valuable to clients of various nationalities.
The world is rapidly changing. Modern Migrations are no longer solely geographical, but also technological. Virtual Assistant Work is only one of the plethora of ways the internet is changing the world. However, Filipinos are determined not to be the ones left behind.

I am one of these Filipinos. As a Virtual Assistant, my goal is to produce the highest benefit for my client, as I continually hone my skills.
On this site, you and other VA hopefuls will be privy to the trade secrets that I will gain along the way. If you are a client in need of virtual assistant work, then this platform will be a preview of what I can do for you and your business. Follow my journey as an Online Professional and subscribe to my mailing list.

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