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In this blog you can find best posts about different routines things like Health and Fitness, Work from Home, Informative Knowledge, Current Affairs, E-business & E-marketing, Computer/Internet, Technology, Travel, Business, Arts & Entertainment, Gaming, Home & Garden, Cooking Food & wine, & Others. Blurz Articals is the ultimate authority on optimizing every aspect of your life. Do everything & write about everything which give well knowledge to all our viewers.


Sunday, September 5, 2021

12:18 PM

Tattoo Removal Through Dermabrasion


Tattoo Removal Through Dermabrasion

The detrimental side effects of tattoos are known, but are often being ignored. Many just assume that tattooing is safe because of its popularity. Others simply fail to do their research before being injected with dies, plastics and paints. Many feel that since tattoo parlors are regulated, then the ink should be to, but that's just not true. The potential of infection with life changing infections is also present. The biggest health risk is due to heavy metal poisoning due to tattoo ink. There are things everyone should know before they are tattooed. I will endeavor to inform you of the major risks.

The risks associated with tattooing can be described as skin related diseases, end organ disease (liver, kidney, brain) and heavy metal poisoning. There are ways to avoid these effects of tattooing and I will share those with you. But first, let's look at some statistics.

According to Statistic Brain (2016),
• Americans spend a whopping 1.655 Billion dollars on tattoos annually.
• Americans that have at least one tattoo totals 45 Million people.
• The percentage of people who regret getting a tattoo is 17%.
• The percentage of Americans getting a tattoo removed is 11%.

Why are People Getting Tattoos?

These statistics are staggering numbers to me. It is surprising that this many people want to risk their health for skin art. People are motivated to get tattoos for a variety of reasons ranging from wearing art on their skin, remembering a loved one or to look sexy or dangerous. The motivation is unimportant for today's topic, but I just wanted to give you a little background.

The Dangers of Tattoo Ink Carriers

What are the dangers of tattoo ink carriers? Carriers are used to keep the ink, plastic or paint evenly distributed during application and inhibits the growth of pathogens (bacteria/viruses). Please understand that these ingredients are not regulated for use in tattooing by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in most states.
• Ethyl Alcohol - rubbing alcohol is for use externally and should not be injected into the skin. It can cause skin drying, irritation and can negatively affect nerves.
• Glycerin - it is the sugar alcohol glycerol and can cause increased urination and diarrhea.
• Listerine - is an alcohol based concoction of menthol, methyl salicylate, thymol (from thyme oil), and eucalyptol (liquid derived from eucalyptus oil). It can cause skin irritation and localized allergic reactions.
• Propylene Glycol - is the primary ingredient in antifreeze which can be damaging to your liver and kidneys.

The Dangers of Tattoo Ink

That was just the carriers. What is in each color of ink? Many of these inks have ingredients that you shouldn't even apply to the skin, much less inject into the blood rick lower layer of skin. The epidermis is the outer layer of skin that is made up of dead skin cells and acts as a whole body bandage. It protects us from bacteria and viruses. The dermis is the living skin underneath the epidermis. Things injected into the dermis can be carried away by the bloodstream to all parts of the body. That's why we get infections when we have a cut or scrape of our skin. The protective epidermis is damaged.

What is in the ink? Most inks contain acrylic resin (plastic molecules), but they also contain other ingredients. They are listed below by color as per Helmenstine (2017) and my own research.

• Black ink - Iron oxide (rust), charcoal or carbon - this is probably the least dangerous ink. The amount of Iron oxide should be inadequate to cause iron toxicity. Ask the tattoo artist to use purified water as a carrier.
• Blue Ink - Copper, carbonite (azurite), sodium aluminum silicate (lapus lazuli), calcium copper silicate (Egyptian blue), cobalt aluminum oxides and chromium oxides. Copper can lead or contribute to heavy metal poisoning. Aluminum has been proven to attribute to Alzheimer's disease and gastrointestinal disorders.
• Brown ink - Iron oxide and iron ochre clay - this is probably as safe as black ink and for the same reasons.
• Green ink - Chromium oxide and Malachite, lead chromate and the synthetic compound Cu phthalocyanine are used and only the first two are considered moderately safe. Lead chromate is derived from lead which is toxic even in low doses. Cu phthalocyanine is an unregulated compound of copper and can cause skin irritation and respiratory irritation.
• Orange ink - Disazodiarylide and/or disazopyrazolone, and cadmium sulfate make orange ink. The first two are considered safe, but the cadmium sulfate is considered toxic and possibly cancer causing.
• Purple - Manganese violet, quinacridone and dioxazine and the first of these is considered safe. Quinacridone is an FDA approved food coloring, but has caused localized skin reactions.
• Red - Cinnabar, cadmium red, iron oxide and naphthol-AS pigment are the various components of red ink. It is considered by most to be the most toxic color of tattoo ink. Cinnabar is derived from mercury sulfate and is devastating to the nervous system. Cadmium red is a known cancer causing agent. Naphthol-AS pigment is used in red paints.
• Yellow - Cadmium sulfate, Ochre,curcuma yellow, chrome yellow and some are safe and others are not. Cadmium sulfate is derived from lead and is toxic. Yellow derived from the spice turmeric or curcuma yellow is considered safe. The problem with yellow is the volume that must be used to provide a vibrant yellow color, so local irritation of the skin often occurs.
• White - Titanium dioxide, lead white, barium sulfate and zinc oxide (the stuff you smear on your nose at the beach). Titanium dioxide has caused cancer in lab animals. Lead white is considered a cancer causing agent in humans. Barium is derived from the metal barium and is used in barium swallows for gastrointestinal tests, but when injected can cause skin irritation.
• Glow in the dark ink - made up of compounds that are toxic and in some cases radioactive. This again is unregulated in most states.

Some of these compounds can be considered safe, but testing still needs to be done. Some of these compounds are toxic and can cause heavy metal poisoning as the copper, lead, cadmium, chromium, arsenic and aluminum leach into your blood stream. Aluminum inks can also hasten the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Some of these inks cause cancer and have known mutagenic properties (cause mutations and birth defects) per Genser (2007). The FDA should be regulating these inks, but in most states they are not. Most states have started regulating tattoo parlors though and at least that's a start.

Regulation of tattoo parlors has greatly decreased the rate of serious infection. Use of disposable needles has made the great impact. In the past, in unregulated tattoo parlors, the risk for getting hepatitis B & C, HIV, tetanus, herpes, staph and syphilis were a real threat. Regulation and disposable one-use needles have eliminated this risk (as long as the regulations are followed).

One other major concern with tattoo art is the fact that lifesaving MRI scans cannot be done in certain instances. This is because the metals in the ink cause intense burning pain for the patient. This has prompted many radiology departments to refuse to perform MRI scans on patients with tattoos, per Grenser (2007). This could cause resulting misdiagnosis or the inability to diagnose.

There are safe tattoo inks out there that are willing to divulge their tattoo formulas. There are many more that are dangerous tattoo inks that are unregulated. Many manufacturers refuse to divulge the formula as secret proprietary information. The carriers used to evenly distribute ink can also potentially be unsafe. Both the inks or carriers are not regulated by the FDA and regulation of tattoo art is the responsibility of each individual state.


Tattoo at your own risk. Tattoos can be safe or hazardous depending on your preparation for the tattoo. Talk to the tattoo artist. Ask them what carrier solution they use. Ask them the composition of their ink. Choose your colors by which colors are least toxic. Make sure the tattoo artist's shop has an active Health Department certificate. Ask them for their Health Department sanitation score. If you feel you must get a tattoo, please do your research and make an informed decision. I personally recommend that you don't get a tattoo. There are just too many risks for minor irritations and lingering side effects like cancer, scaring, granulomas, infection, toxicity and infections, per Mishra (2013). I don't think it's worth the risk, but it's your body. Just please study-up and make an informed decision.

Statistic Brain. (Aug 13, 2016). Statistics Brain. In Tattoo Statistics. Retrieved 7/19/2017.

Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. (Feb 20, 2017). Tattoo Ink Chemistry. In ThoughtCo. Retrieved 7/19/17.

Julie Genser. (Sep 28, 2007). The Truth About Tattoos: Health Risks, Toxicity and More. In Retrieved 7/19/2017.

Malabika Mishra. (Sep 27, 2013). 10 Adverse Side Effects of Permanent Tattoos. In List Crown. Retrieved 7/19/2017.

Article Source:

12:15 PM

Laser Tattoos removal process & cost


Why Go For A Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment?

There are so many reasons as to why people get tattoos and different reasons why at some point they may want to have them removed. Some of the reasons compelling people to remove them include dissatisfaction with appearance or regrets probably because the reasons for getting the tattoos have changed or shifted. Employment prospects can also lead to wanting a removal considering that they come with negative vibe around them and not many employers would hire someone with visible tattoos.

Removing tattoos can however be a challenge considering the ink are deeply set into the skin cells depending on what technique is used to create them. Fortunately laser tattoo removal treatments can handle all kinds of tattoos and eventually clear them off the skin. This is removal treatment that uses high powered laser to penetrate skin forcing pigment particles to vibrate creating heat that breaks ink particles into small pieces which are then removed through the lymphatic system.

The treatment is of course gradual and you may need to go for a number of sessions to completely remove the tattoo. Each can last anywhere between twenty minutes to an hour. Factor such as age of tattoo, location, color and the size can determine how long it takes before it completely fades. But what are the reasons behind the popularity of laser tattoo removal treatments?

  • It is a non-surgical treatment which means many adverse effects that come with surgery are avoided. It is also done in a way that causes very little damage to the skin especially compared to some removal processes people have had to put up with.
  • This kind of removal comes with no scarring. The light is generally harmless and leaves healthy skin cells just as healthy hence risks of scarring are greatly lowered. It is nothing compared to methods that employ skin sanding.
  • The treatment can remove specific areas of the tattoo that you do not like or the entire tattoo depending on what you want. This is because it is possible for the light to be directed in those specific areas something that would be hard to achieve with other removal options.
  • The method is very effective in fading or diminishing the tattoos. Unlike some other methods that can leave undesirable effects on the skin, you will love how clear your skin looks after completing the removal process.
  • It requires very little recovery time. Again this is because the light is harmless and the skin is not irritated as much during the process. Patients going through the process only need to keep the area protected from UV radiation for a few days. Tenderness and redness may be present but then these also go away in a few days.
  • This kind of removal is safer. Apart from the process being comfortable enough to handle and stay through, infection risks are minimal and very few side effects occur during the treatment. It is therefore true to say that it is among the safest tattoo removal options available.

Article Source:

12:10 PM

How to find best Ink for Tattoos


How To Determine If Your Tattoo Artist Is Using The Best Tattoo Ink

Even though some people might wish you hadn't, you finally decided to get your first tattoo, and you are really excited because you have done your due diligence. You've research the artists in the area, inspected & checked out all of the parlors you had in mind, and you even got a great design in mind. But there's one problem - how do you know if your chosen artist is using the best tattoo ink in the business?

If you're anything like most people who hear about the varying scale of tattoo ink quality, you're now fairly deflated and unsure about moving forward with your tattoo. First of all, don't feel so bad. As it turns out, most tattoo artists agree that one issue they often notice among clients is a lack of knowledge about ink quality. You're not alone in missing this one detail, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty big deal. Still, don't get discouraged.

As with any artist, he or she may learn their trade with what may be deemed a rudimentary tool, slowly becoming more adept at their craft. As time goes on, their talent dictates that their tool of choice improves in quality. Ask a concert violinist what type of violin he or she plays, and you shouldn't be surprised to hear that it didn't come from an online wholesaler. The best tattoo artists are the same. They look for the best tools so that when someone sits in their chair, the client knows this is exactly the place they needed to be.

But if you're starting with tattoo number one, you might not know how to breach this topic. The best advice on this feeling - dispel it immediately. You're talking about embarking on a journey that will leave you not only with a lifelong piece of body art, but you're also placing a foreign substance into your body. You owe it to yourself to get the skinny on whether your tattoo artist has the best ink at their station.

How do you find this out? Here are a few tips:

Learn About Industry Favorites & Standards - Do some research and find which ink brands and ingredients tend to be used the most.

Ask Artists What They Use and Why - Everyone tradesman chose his tools for a reason, and so goes the journey of the tattoo artist. This is where your research pays off.

Read Industry Information on Ink Rankings - Check out any published materials on tattoos, artists, and even ink models. Also, check out the FDA for quite a lot of info on tattoo ink & your health.

Don't Buy The Hype - Hyperbole is a sure-fire way to know if someone might be pulling your leg. You want information, not a sales pitch.

The best tattoo ink may be hard to peg down considering you have to first define what 'the best' really means. Moreover, keep in mind that the type of ink to be used by your artist can depend on your tattoo. It may seem like a drag to go through all of this, but the best tattoo artists out there are always happy to share their knowledge and talk shop with someone who is genuinely interested in it. If you aren't feeling that vibe, you need to find another artist.

Article Source:

12:07 PM

Best features of 4K Portable Monitor


6 Features of a Good 4K Portable Monitor

If you want to purchase a good portable monitor, you may have your own reasons to go for it instead of regular monitors. The thing is that these monitors have a lot of features that set them apart from regular bulky monitors. With the passage of time, we want more screen space to work with. Many people use these monitors for work; others need them for gaming purposes. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the most common features of 4K portable monitors. Read on to find out more.

The Best Features to Look for

Just like any other device that you can purchase, different types of portable monitors come with different features. However, there are some features that you must look for if you want to purchase the best portable monitor to meet your needs. Let's talk about 6 of those prominent features.

1. Size

First of all, size should be the number one consideration when it comes to purchasing portable monitors. Although many of them are larger than regular laptop screens, it is important to keep in mind the purpose you are purchasing them for.

If you go for smaller units, they will be more portable. But if you need a monitor to edit your 4K videos and photos, we suggest that you go for a bigger screen.

2. Weight

Another important consideration is the weight of these monitors. If you need a 4K monitor to carry with you from one place to another, we suggest that you consider the weight of the device you are going to purchase. The reason is that these devices are lighter and easier to carry around.

3. Screen Quality

The quality of the screen is another important factor to consider. If you just need a monitor to watch Netflix, you may not need a 4K monitor. On the other hand, you must go for a 4K portable screen if you need to sift through tons of lines of code or you need to edit a lot of 4K photos on a daily basis. In this case, we suggest that you invest in a high-resolution IPS monitor.

4. Orientation Control

In any 4K portable monitor, orientation control is an important feature to look for. This is even more important if you need a monitor in order to edit photos or perform the coding. If you turn the monitor from portrait to landscape mode, it will be easier for you to make the entire photo visible.

Apart from this, the portrait mode will make it easier for you to scan several blocks of code without any problem. Apart from this, chances are that your desktop monitor may not have this feature. Therefore, it is a great idea to invest in a good 4K portable monitor.

5. Connectivity

Another important feature to look for is connectivity. After all, your monitor may not be useful enough if you cannot connect it to your devices. Although it is a great idea to have DisplayPort or HDMI support, make sure that the money to you are going to purchase features are usb-c connection.

This new technology allows you to to transfer a lot of data between your devices. So make sure your monitor has this feature.

6. Touchscreen Input

It is great to have the touch screen feature in your portable 4K monitor, if especially if you want to use the device to do your creative work. If you combine it with whiteboarding software, you can turn it into a multipurpose device to create modify and present content.

In short, you should look for these 6 features if you want to invest in a good portable 4K monitor.

If you are looking for a good 4K Portable Monitor, you should check out UPerfect. Their collection will help you opt for the best Portable Touchscreen Monitor to meet your needs.

Article Source:

11:59 AM

Best Secrets To Help You Find The Best Tattoo And Piercing Destination

Five Secrets To Help You Find The Best Tattoo And Piercing Destination

When you are the kind of person that is in deep into the tattoo and piercing world, you don't sweat being able to find a parlor that gets you some really satisfying body art. It's kind of nice to have that kind of "in" when inspiration hits. For others, though, especially if it is their first foray into body art, knowing where to get a great tattoo or expert piercing can be incredibly difficult.

Now, there are probably some of you out there who might find the notion of having a hard time getting a tattoo or a piercing kind of silly. After all, there once was a time when you could get a pretty snazzy bit of ink at a carnival all while your kids ate cotton candy & played games. Times have changed, and with these changes comes new standards in health & safety.

There is also a much greater fascination and acceptance of body art than there used to be. Now, it's not uncommon to see soccer moms sporting a little bit of ink or a cute little nose ring. You might even spot a little bit of ink just poking out of the rolled-up sleeve of your geography teacher. There was a time when body art was for the outliers of society, but that just isn't the case. This, of course, creates a golden opportunity for artists looking to make some serious financial gains by providing a welcome service.

We go back, again, to the possible first-timer looking to get a tattoo or a piercing. If he or she is to find a reputable parlor or artist, where should they start?

Here are a few secrets to finding the best tattoo and piercing destination:

Check Online - As is the case for anything you are curious about these days, the first place you want to check for reputable parlors is online. Check parlor websites, online business reviews, and even check public health records to see how a place stacks up.

Ask People About Their Body Art - If you rock a "tat" or a piercing, nothing is cooler than when someone asks you where you got your sick ink from. Ask friends, family, and co-workers where they'd recommend you go.

Have A Design or Piercing In Mind - By knowing what you want ahead of time, you can determine whether a parlor/artist can deliver what you want. If you're not happy with the process by which they go by, then they may not be the place to go.

Visit Parlors/Shops and Check Them Out - Just because you go in doesn't mean you have to "buy" something. Check out the shop, look at any photos they have of past clients, ask questions, and get a feel for the place.

"Interview" Artists - If you have the chance, talk to some artists & see if you click with them. Find out about their background, the process of their work, and even the supplies they use. If an artist isn't willing to "talk shop" with you, go someplace else.

Finding the best tattoo and piercing destination for your first, or hundredth, bit of body art shouldn't be a stressful time. You should relish in the idea that you're doing something that's got a little edge, a lot of coolness, and definitely makes you unique.

Article Source:
11:52 AM

How to find your actual tattoos cost or How much it cost

 How to find your actual tattoos cost or How much it cost

What You Need To Know Before Determining Your Tattoo Cost

So, you finally decided to get your first tattoo, and you can barely contain your excitement. The only real issue you have is knowing exactly what the numbers will be when it comes to determining overall tattoo cost. It's here perhaps that a lot of folks find themselves losing a little of the original excitement of getting their first tattoo, but this waning may be a little too premature.

The fact remains that unless you are intimately familiar with the scale of pricing at a particular tattoo parlor, you really can't figure out what the price of your tattoo may be. First impressions about this conundrum are a bit disconcerting. How often do you decide to purchase something without having an idea of how much it will cost? Moreover, since this is a first tattoo, where do you even begin?

Here are a few things you need to know before you determine the cost of your tattoo:

Design - If you're going with a traditional design that's right off the wall, you're probably not looking at a high-priced tattoo. However, if you decide to get a custom design made for you, the price will most certainly go up. Ditto on the size and its impact on price, too.

Complexity - No doubt that any design that is simple will mean less work for the artist, and that translates into less cost. But if you've got something epic in mind, be prepared for higher price.

To Color or Not To Color - In the same vein of complexity, if you decide to include color into your tattoo, you're adding another dimension of labor into the mix, and you're tapping into the artist's resources.

Placement - A tattoo on your chest may very well differ in price from one that is being placed over your rib cage. As such, inking your knuckles and toes may also differ in price from something being emblazoned across your shoulder blades.

Don't Make A Concession - Getting a tattoo from a great artist is more than just a status symbol among the inked masses. It means you really value the quality and workmanship of the artist enough to save up your money for his or her services. You could always go with an artist that fits your budget that does a good job, but there's no reason you couldn't save up a little more to really get the right person for the job.

Tattoo cost shouldn't be something that dampens the excitement you have for getting a tattoo. Whether it's your first piece of body art or another in a long run of dedicated pieces, you're making an expense to showcase you. That said, be a proactive consumer and visit tattoo parlors to get an idea of the prices you may be looking at. If you have a chance, get to know the artists as well. You may find that being comfortable with your surroundings and the artist working with you may supersede your original misgivings about what you're paying.

Article Source:

1:57 AM

How to open your own online pharmacies

 How to open your own online pharmacies

The Ultimate Growth of Online Pharmacies

The rapid increase in online shopping gave rise to a new way of shopping for medicines known as an online pharmacy. An online pharmacy or E-Pharmacy is a pharmacy service that operates over the online mode. Just like any other shopping site, it provides medical products in just one click at your home. Online pharmacies must follow the laws just like any other pharmacy. According to laws, only registered licensed pharmacies are entitled to work, and a prescription of medicines is obligatory. Furthermore, all the medicines are mandatory to be certified as well as verified before their delivery. We can conveniently order medicines with our preferred mobile-based application or website.

Why are online pharmacies better?

  • Convenience: E-Pharmacies provide medicines at comparatively less cost than offline pharmacies. As they are "online," they can reach people living at any place, even those living in remote areas. It reduces traveling. We neither have to travel or wait in line nor even move to different locations for buying the medicines. We can save both our time and our money. We can have all our needed medicines at our home in just a few clicks.
  • Easy use: Using online mode is extremely common and easy. We can comfortably order our medicines without any hassle with our preferred or available devices. That means we can easily fulfill our medical requirements with just one click. For so many people who are not comfortable going to a traditional pharmacy they can easily buy medicines online.
  • Availability: We sometimes face problems with the availability of a particular medicine at a pharmacy. Thus we have to check out more than one pharmacy to find the medicine. But, in an E-pharmacy, we can easily find medicines on one platform. If not, we can only go to another platform with one click; we don't have to roam at different locations to find medicines. But that's a rare case as E-pharmacies usually have larger medical stocks and a greater variety of choices than traditional medical stores.
  • Information: We usually have our own queries regarding medicines and consulting experts is not always possible, maybe because of a busy schedule or other problems. While on the internet, we can easily seek experts' advice and add our queries online to get answered. This can again save a lot of time and is extremely convenient. Moreover, you can receive all the information online, whether it is regarding the medicine or the illness. It also shows if the medication is vital for our illness or not.
  • Refills are automatic: Depending on the prescription we might have provided, online pharmacies automatically refill the medication according to the requirements. We don't need to send our prescription again and again; our medication will be updated according to our needs and requests.

E-pharmacies offer multiple benefits, according to the person. It gives easy access to medicines along with information regarding both medicines and illness. Even if we failed to visit a pharmacy because of our schedule or because of its unapproachability, we can easily access an online pharmacy and can complete all our medical needs without any difficulty.

Now, with the help of online pharmacies, we don't have to wait for hours in lines to get our medicines in traditional pharmacies. We can also ensure that the pharmacy is licensed or certified by our country's government authority or not and then work on it accordingly. Online pharmacies like are loaded with multiple benefits and are supplying medicinal products and services all over the country.

Article Source:

Friday, March 19, 2021

11:30 AM

Work from home - New Year & New Opportunities

 Work from home - New Year & New Opportunities

Ever see a product so compelling that it practically sells itself. Such a product draws people to it like a big magnet, creating paying clients seemingly without effort.

Alas, such situations are rare. Seldom does any opportunity or product create such buzz. Years ago, the hula hoop and the pet rock were flying out of the stores that had them.

On the Internet... not many products have lived up to their hype. Once explored, the so-called "next big thing" soon fizzles as people discover their limitations and flaws.

Only a few have managed to live up to real potential and promise. Let me tell you about one such offering that will be available in January 2021 and, I predict, will produce millions in revenue.

First of all, it is being brought out by a solid, established company known for its attention to detail. They believe in innovation and the best scientific testing to give their clients a superior experience whenever one of their products is used.

Plus, they offer a 60-day money back guarantee on over 80 of the products they sell. Their Affiliate Program is free, and their Pay-plan is even Patented.

They do not just take a product to market just to have something to talk about. Nope. Before they put their name on something, it has been tested and re-tested until they are satisfied it is the best it can be.

The Genius behind their newest product release is that it Combines the top three Biggest Markets on the Planet into one brilliant package. They found a way to harness the Global Coffee Market, their fabulous CBD Market, and the Chronic Pain Market into one unique product that will benefit all three Markets at once!

With this new product you will literally be able to Turn Your Next Cup of Coffee into a Life Changing Income. All the details for this will be announced this coming Saturday, January 16th. You can find out more by calling me at: 877.514.9969.

Let me know if you would like to attend.

You are probably aware that people in the Coffee Market have earned millions. The CBD Market is booming. It is projected to be over 20 billion annually. And too, people seek pain relief every day in the Chronic Pain Market. It is a never-ending struggle to try and feel better. People want and need relief from their suffering.

Now we have an opportunity to combine all three of these markets into one product. Imagine the possibilities! I believe this will be a gigantic Win-Win for both the Consumer and for anyone that Offers This.

Let's be partners,

Comment your Mail or Contact me & DO follow for further.

Article Source:
11:26 AM

Earn Unlimited Passive Money from Home

 Earn Unlimited Passive Money from Home

With the internet opening up opportunity for people to work from home is something that more and more people are trying to do.

The problem is that most people don't know where to start or what action to take to start generating an income (earning from home.)

Do you have a problem trying to make money from home? If so,

I have written this article because believe I can help you get started generating income from the comfort of your home and this article is going to show you two ways that you can do that;

These are;

1. Affiliate Marketing

2. Taking Surveys

1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is quite interesting as It is very simple to become an affiliate marketer.

All you do is just help people (or companies) promote (or advertise) their product to people who need them and when those products get purchased, you are paid a commission (or a percentage) of the profit they made out of the sales.

Remember you don't need to come up with the product to sell as this already exist.

Simply put, you are like the middle-man between the buyer and the seller.

The secret of becoming a great affiliate marketer is for you to promote the product you know (or like).


People want to buy weight lose products and there are companies that sell these products. All you need to do is help the company sell their weight lose products to people willing to buy them and you get paid.

2. Paid Surveys

This is when you are giving an incentive for giving your honest opinion about a product (or company).

Incentive can be in cash or vouches but it is mostly cash.

I can tell you that if you are available for at least 1 hour per day, you can make more than $100 for every hour you spent giving your opinion about a product (or company.)

There are lots of companies that wants to know how their customers feel about their products and services. This helps them to improve on their products and services deliveries to the populist.

We all use these products and services so, to form your opinion is not a problem in this situation. As an additional advantage, you get to let the companies that manufacture the products you use know how you feel about their product and that you turn helps them service you better.

What a great way to earn an income from the same company that you pay for their goods and services.

Do you want to know how to start earning using these ways of earning 100% legit and unlimited income from home? If so, I can help you get started for free. You can download my new product that teaches you step by step on how to succeed working from home from our website. Comment your Email for full Details.

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